12-DSC_5553Two years ago I was bedridden for a month and a half with a sinus infection. This was a Universe-Smackdown, forcing me to integrate information I had been immersing myself in and bombarding myself with, for the prior two months. I was obsessed with having a breakthrough regarding activating all of my claires and amping up the voltage of my healing abilities. I was on a mission to discover the key to instantaneous transformational healing.

Lying in bed, my Intuition kept plucking a chord regarding a discussion in the online group I had just participated in. This thread brought up the book and healers training  “The Reconnection”, by Dr Eric Pearl. My Intuition kept niggling this in the back of my mind until I acted on it. I got Dr. Pearl`s book on kindle and read it from my phone, as it was all I had the energy to do.

Eric Pearl became activated by a woman offering Reconnection Sessions.  “…It reconnects your body`s meridian lines to the grid lines of the planet, which connects us to the stars and other planets.” (chpt. 5, “The Reconnection”, Dr. Eric Pearl). He was reconnected to the Axiatonal Grid, then began having trippy experiences, one of which being, possessing remarkable healing abilities. I wanted to know more about this.

Researching the Axiatonal Grid led me to this link I cannot tell you how many times I have returned to this post. What hooked me was this excerpt from chapter 3.1.7 -page 523- of “The Keys of Enoch”, :

…our bodies control all of their renewing functions through something called Meridian Axiatonal Lines…When Man kind can discover the connection between his own life´s space and the Axiotonal grids, Mankind will step into a whole new level of super science known as medical astronomy. Medical astronomy refers to healing on all levels, mind, body, spirit, and talks about moving into proper formation of our limbs and talks about stepping forward into a new level of concious interaction with the Universe. The Axial lines being the grid lines of the Universe, are part of a higher dimensional system which combine colours and sound, light and information. Our higher Self brings in this basic energy and information and it renews every function of our body, our human body, our evolutionary body, it works on every level, cells, DNA, brain, emotion etc. Once we start to do this on an ongoing basis, the grids will allow us to exchange genetic information, and all information that flow into our cells and into our proper formation. We can heal from disease, we can regenerate limbs and organs, we can move forward with the grounding of light and information into our cells.

I want to initiate a conversation around what is possible. I want to tap into what others know about activating healing abilities and understandings of energetic grid systems and regeneration/miraculous healing. Has anyone studied Medical Astronomy? Please note, this isn’t about Eric Pearl, it is about expanding our Wysdom through collaboration, connecting the dots between our own work and the work of others.  Please join in and share your thoughts, experiences and information. Let`s transform this world in extraordinary ways, together. 

Please comment! If you would like support in your transformational journey contact me at or call me at (928) 275-4143

Life is a Joyful Journey. Let`s GET INTUIT!
The Axiatonal Lines

One of the first books that started to talk about the Axiotonal Lines was “The Book of Knowledge – The Keys of Enoch” by J.J. Hurtak (1973). Other books have talked about the lay lines of the Earth, and the systems of grid lines on the Solar System and the Milky-Way
There are grid lines on the Earth, there are grid lines in the Universe and there are grid lines on your body. Somehow we can reconnect or bring our grid lines system into a stronger connection with the Universe – we can actually step forward into a new level of our Selves – a completely new level of healing, physically, emotionally, mentally; we can evolve as an ongoing process as we move forward.

In chapter 3.1.7 -page 523- of “The Keys of Enoch” it says: There is this work within all of our bodies, a pattern of unique vibration levels, and our bodies control all of their renewing functions through something called Meridian Axiotonal Lines and these Axiotonal Lines are not limited, i.e. they do not end at our physical bodies but they are open-ended; they actually extend out past our body, they can connect us more fully into the Universe. When Man kind can discover the connection between his own life´s space and the Axiotonal grids, Mankind will step into a whole new level of super science known as medical astronomy. Medical astronomy refers to healing on all levels, mind, body, spirit, and talks about moving into proper formation of our limbs and talks about stepping forward into a new level of concious interaction with the Universe. The Axial lines being the grid lines of the Universe, are part of a higher dimensional system which combine colours and sound, light and information. Our higher Self brings in this basic energy and information and it renews every function of our body, our human body, our evolutionary body, it works on every level, cells, DNA, brain, emotion etc. Once we start to do this on an ongoing basis, the grids will allow us to exchange genetic information, and all information that flow into our cells and into our proper formation. We can heal from disease, we can regenerate limbs and organs, we can move forward with the grounding of light and information into our cells.
Many people ask what we are reconnecting to? We are reconnecting to our Self and the Universe and the potential, and how do we know when we are done? We don´t. Its

an ongoing process, its an ongoing experience.

“Under present biological conditions, evolutionary development and living bodies from earliest inception follows unisyal semi-conductivity as a living parasel of electric matrix, through stages which permit permanent basic tissues Gaia satelite and swarm cells to be supportive to the neurones on the human system, where the primary source is electrical”. (excerp from The Keys of Enoch)

When the Axiatonal Alignment is done on your body the frequencies are manifested and a huge amount of light and information start to be shared. There are Keys that are being unlocked and somehow by working with the frequencies and taking the experience off the body, more light and information come through. It said: when Mankind can discover the connection between their bodies and these open-ended connections, they can step into a whole new level of healing.

When J.J. Hurtak talked in Canada at the “The Total Health Conference” in 2002 about a vision – a mind blowing vision of what mankind can step into, what the possibilities are like when we can actually consciously access the power of our brains – the full information potential in our cells and our DNA and how we can more consciously interact with the Universe, and what miracles may be a part of our lives, when we can do that.
In chapter 3.1.4. -page 486- it says: “Through a projection of light and information, coming from the recorder cell, individuals can be reconnected with their perfect Blueprint (their Adam Cadmon).”
Individuals can get an additional high frequency resonance and high frequency vibration and somehow working with this vibration they can use and step into and gain paranormal gifts, like healing others and to heal ourselves – and that we can help to create miracular change. We can help to create the way cells operate, we can change, we can modify that outside the realm of space and time. It says that somehow when we work with these vibrations we will transcent dimensions.

by Doug de Vito
Please visit also the website of Dr. Eric Pearl



I was Divinely Guided this morning in a powerful meditation, accessing All Of The ME`s Ever Expressed in all dimensions, frequencies, time, space and realities, This was done from my Heart Center. The image was llke looking in a tunnel of mirrors created by taking a handheld mirror and reflecting it in a large wall mirror. Each reflection was an expression of me.

Imagine this at your Heart Center. claiming your Sovereignty, and your Divine Free Will and Authority in this moment. Command all of your Selves in all lives, dimensions, frequencies, time, space, realities, expressions and forms be called to Order, in Alignment with complete and total support of your greatest joy, deepest sense of security, fulfillment, abundance and love, NOW. Command that all that is discordant must calibrate in Divine Alignment with this decree, or be transformed into Pure Essence Energy to be reclaimed in the forms and frequencies YOU, in this moment, assign them. Consciously call in the energies that would best support you in this moment: Clarity, Knowingness, Trust, Awareness of choices needed to be made to bring about the outcomes you intend to experience, feeling loved uplifted and supported by Source, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Guardians and Highest Frequency Loved Ones who have passed, etc. Order All Of You to recalibrate all of your energies and timelines in Alignment with this profound shift now. Feel this happening within and around you, wherever you have gone, wherever you are and wherever you will ever be. Go about your day and seek evidence of this support in all of its forms, subtle, small, or big and obvious.

Should you desire support in navigating your transformational Journey, please refer to my Services Page for the many offerings I provide. I would be Honored to assist you in claiming the Fullness of You in your shining glory, enabling you to claim and create the life experience of your dreams. (928) 275-4143 

Life IS a joyful journey…GET INTUIT!



Key to surviving today’s turbulent times discovered in the movie “The Passion of Christ”.


When I was invited to attend Mel Gibson`s movie,”The Passion of Christ”, I was clueless about what I was getting into. Picture an ultra-sensitive empath with a graphic imagination, finding herself trapped in a situation where she is being bombarded with images and sounds of intense pain, suffering, struggle and abuse, for two hours. Ten minutes into it every fiber of my being was screaming inside, “Exit stage left!” .

To keep myself from writhing out of my seat as I witnessed the portrayal of the horrific torture Christ endured, I had a Divine Inspiration. I began sending Jesus Love. Surprisingly, peace overcame me. The more Love I flowed to him, the more peaceful I became. Better yet, in that moment I also Knew it made a difference in Christ’s experience, back in time, from my heart to his. Years later I discovered research that actually supported this Knowingness.

Today, quantum physics reveals that there is really no ‘time’. Multitudes of timelines are playing out simultaneously at any given moment. We are slowly mastering how to tap into these past, present, parallel and future projections to bring desired elements of them into our currently experienced ‘realities’.

Simply stated, reflect on your life and find evidence of what it is you desire to experience today. Find a time you felt strong, secure, safe, powerful, aware, grounded, confident, successful, prosperous, peaceful, etc.  Draw upon your experience at that time, and envision you then, sending that energy to you, and into your life today. Picture it. Feel it flowing in. If you don’t feel it, claim it anyway. Thank yourself for your loving support and go about your day, looking for evidence of it bringing about desired changes, no matter how small.  This same exercise can be done tapping into your desired future self and asking for these energies to be flowed into your now. All energies of the Universe support us. Truly it is up to us to open our hearts and minds, to ask for it, and then to receive it.

We are all aspects of Source. In essence it is calling upon our Godspark at times we felt and experienced evidence of God’s presence. Tap into this aspect of you, re-infusing you with this energy anytime you think of it.

Enjoy creating a Bless-ed day. Get INTUIT!

With much Love,

Instead of Fight or Flight, Claim Your Ground


These times are extraordinarily intense; mentally, emotionally physically and spiritually. Instead of exiting-stage-left, panicking, freaking out or battling, get Grounded.

Getting Grounded means being fully present in your body and bringing your awareness to your connection to the Earth. When you are Grounded, all of your energetic, electric and physical circuitry is connected and functioning. That means you have more energetic resources; your body is being given the opportunity to function opportunely, so you will feel better, have more energy and feel Alive. Clear information comes into your consciousness from your environment, from Source, your High Self, your Angels, Guides, Guardians, Soul Groups and your Highest Galactic Council of Light. This enables you to observe your experiences from a Higher Perspective. Information for resolving issues is available to you. From this vantage point, you will be able to disengage from emotional reactivity. You will recognize when you are being triggered and you will then be able to choose how to respond. From this stable place you can experience what flow is. Life is bringing you everything you need to thrive. When you are Grounded you become aware of this in your experiences. Imagine finally being able to Breathe and Relax. Talk about being plugged in!

Thrown Cowboy Bucking Horse 345-DSC_6455

~Life is meant to be a joyful journey…Get Intuit!



I am choosing to live in joy. To succeed at this, it is necessary to unplug from all thought patterns that re-engage my wounds & fears, focusing only on thoughts of what I desire to experience more of in my life. This is Guidance that was recently mirrored to me:

~Until you are willing to cut through all of the stories/drama/trauma of your wounded child, and choose to love that child back into claiming your wholeness, and seek to see, feel and hear all that is wonderful in the now, you will remain stuck in the same old hamster wheel patterns of your past. The choice is yours. If the thoughts you are thinking do not feel good, choose again. You are putting in motion what you will experience next.~

God/dess Bless us all on our journeys. Do not hesitate to ask for help. We need it and it is available only if we ask.

If you want your life to be a joyful journey, GET INTUIT!!

Consciousness ~Going Into the Kiva


A couple days ago I was chosen from the caller que to ask my question in an online interview on Darius was interviewing Jarrad Hewett. I had just spent 2 months engaging with Jarrad’s work. I asked if he could tune into my dog, Remington, to bring me clarity about some struggles we were having.

A part of Jarrad’s response that left me stumped was “There are places you’ve committed to wholeness but are really hanging on to a limitation perceived through enlightenment” (an opportunity for “more of me to open up to more of me” that I am not taking). Wow! Given that I am addicted to expanding more, opening up to more, bringing in more, seeking more, trying to understand more, etc., I was completely mystified but on the same hand I knew there was Wisdom afoot.

This morning I had coffee. Shortly thereafter I became very aware of exacerbated inflammation. It was nasty (left side, neck pain/twang & numb hand/arm). This has been going on for some time. I have engaged in numerous tactics to get to resolve it. I began to query using muscle testing for “Yes” or “No” answers. When I do this I open my mind and allow whatever questions present to come forward.

This inflammation is:

  • Coffee related? No
  • Anger related? Yes
  • At self? No
  • At Mother Yes
  • Birth Mother? Yes
  • Adopted Mother? Yes
  • Divine Mother? Yes – Wow, Where did that come from? That’s a new one! What could I possible be angry at the Divine Mother about?
  • Is “Julie” representing The Divine Mother (a friend that owes me money)? No
  • Is it about not being able to step fully into 5d yet? Yes. The “Age of Aquarius” we have entered into is all about the Divine Feminine Principle, as is 5d (5th Dimensional Reality).
  • My inability to step fully into 5d; is that because I keep engaging in the masculine? Yes (do, direct, battle, control, contrive)
  • Because I have felt let down by, abandoned by The Divine Feminine Principle in the past? Yes
  • Part of the reason I became an Amazon Priestess? Yes  (that was a new one too)
  • A form of rejecting the passive nature of The Divine Feminine? Yes
  • I felt I could bring The Divine Feminine into full Power this way? Yes
  • That was a form of committing to wholeness but really hanging on to a limitation perceived through enlightenment”? Yes
  • The limitation was “rejecting the Essence of The Divine Feminine”? Yes
  • I open my Heart to receive the Divine Feminine Principle in it’s most Powerful form now. Yes
  • This is what the “repeatedly scalding my left hand with hot liquids” was all about? Yes
  • This is “the imbalance in the home” to which Jarrad referred, that Remington was mirroring? Yes
  • There is more imbalance? Yes
  • Remington is On-Board now, choosing to step fully into 5d with me? Yes
  • The imbalance is mine? Yes
  • It’s about pushing the river regarding my Consciousness Evolution Yes,
  • More? No
  • Accept that I am exactly where I am supposed to be? Yes
  • Need to be? Yes
  • All will be revealed without effort on my part? Yes
  • The block to receiving my prosperity was my anger at The Divine Feminine? Yes
  • With this clarity the anger and the block are both resolved now? Yes

The actual “event” that resulted in my being angry with “The Divine Mother/The Divine Feminine” was a past life experience. It was a perceived betrayal which resulted in losing trust in The Divine and in myself.  I’ve dragged this pattern into numerous incarnations since. It was manifesting in this lifetime, regarding my Consciousness Evolution, by my constantly “pushing the river”: never enough, always on the quest, always needing to be doing something to gain more mastery, heal my wounds, shed another layer of baggage, acquire more knowledge, somehow “get on top of my own game”, etc. Not trusting resulted in my attempting to claim a sense of control by doing. These times no longer reward “trying to win the rat race”. My personal situation merely illustrates the pattern of the greater Whole.

We get where we want to be by becoming the frequency of that which we desire. That is what “feeling the feelings of what we want to do, be or have” is all about. Allowing ourselves to imagine and “feel what it would be like” and revisiting that frequently, will anchor that frequency into physical reality.This is The True Essence of Bringing Heaven to Earth (which is what 5d is all about). Allowing yourself to feel the feelings of having the things or experiences you desire, brings you into vibrational alignment with having that which you desire. That activates The Law of Attraction. Allowing, Feeling, and Attracting are powerful aspects of The Divine Feminine. It’s no wonder I have spent the first 15 days of 2014 sick and in bed unable to “do” much of anything. My Soul was ensuring that I finally “got”/received, allowing.

Breakthroughs can be gentle and expansive (Divinely Feminine!). I encourage you to play with this method of inquiry to see if it works for you. For a demonstration of how I “muscle tested” the above to go to This is just one way of doing it. For a more in-depth explanation and variations do a search How to Muscle Test Yourself.,,



Healing ~Dark Night of the Soul: Building my own bridge to the Light (with a little help from my friends!)


I signed up for Jarrad Hewett’s onine 30 Day Energy Immersion. I knew is work was going to rock my world and I knew I was primed to hit my tipping point, opening me to engage in life from my fullest potential.

Last night I felt so ALONE. Self loathing had taken over my mind. I ran reels of scenarios reaching out on the membership site, seeing nothing but disappointment. I envisioned talking to Jarrad. Where would I start? Self loathing. It was so palpable it felt like the core of my identity. Once again it had claimed me.

I had been in a spiral since Nov 25. Earlier that day I was in total bliss. From that space I signed up for the The Ultimate Gift, which was Jarrad’s December program. I was feeling expansive and full of Love. I drove into town, a small, rural, mountain ranching community. I was like a Light bubble bouncing from person to person at the grocery store with my energetic Faerie Dust. When I got back in my car I briefly reflected on my encounters, feeling good until a tiny thing surfaced (forgetting someone’s name). All of a sudden it was as though a switch had been flipped. All joy was simply gone. I immediately launched into second guessing my December purchase, which rapidly became a berating assault, “You barely have enough money for groceries and you are tossing out cash on personal growth?” This thought trail just got worse and worse. I tapped back into the fear around running out of money. “Oh, sure thoughts create your reality, then why aren’t you rolling in the dough? Wha-wha-wha-wha-wha…”  I was shocked and staggered by this bizarre turn around in my mood, outlook and internal dialogue. I strained to reclaim the positive feelings only moments before I had been basking in. I could not reconnect to them. All of the benefits I had been experiencing in the 30 Day Energy Immersion were gone from my mind, like erased memory. I invoked “The Formula” (one of Jarrad’s tools)  and prayed that it would help me shift.

This struggle went on for days, despite incessant replays of the uplifting audio frequencies and guided meditations. Every time I got on the membership site, all my issues suddenly began taunting me. “You’re needy, nobody wants to deal with that” “That’s just playing victim, invoke The Formula and get on with it!” “You have, ‘I am unloveable’, ‘I am a know-it-all’, ‘condescension’ and ‘I am reprehensible’ in your aura and people feel that. They are not going to come close to you'” “You don’t fit in here either”. “Don’t put it out there, someday it will be used against you!” I would also feel completely drained, unable to put words together in writing. Even if I chose to write, my mind would go blank or I would delete what I started.

Last night could not have gotten much darker. Suicidal thoughts and how to’s were presenting. I prayed to the Angels to break through this. “Angels, please help me to feel love and joy! I am so afraid.” For the first time in a long time I felt the Angels respond to my late night pleas. I felt a glimmer of comfort. I felt the pain ease. I felt a prickling sensation around my Heart center.

I was inspired to write about what I was feeling. As I did my cursor kept jumping around, highlighting and magnifying “disappointment” and “despair”. I realized I had an energetic attachment. I immediately called in ArchAngel Michael and Angelic support. I filled me and my dog with Love and Light and I expanded my Energy out taking us to the Greater Central Sun where I lovingly bridged this Being’s transition to the Light. And with it, all of my darkness it had hooked into and amplified within me. I sent that to the Sun to be transmuted.

Holy Mother of God/dess! The Light switch flipped back ON! OMG what a wild and intense trip that was! I know what we believe to be true is True. And for me, that experience was Truth on high voltage. I guess I need to amp up my Energetic Hygiene practices with invoking The Formula and doing daily clearings/transmutations. Who knows, maybe this Being was just an aspect of me that was ready to be transmuted. I Bless it and I Bless me for coming out the other side of that journey. I invoke The Formula around filling that space with Love, Bliss, Passion, Vision, Ease, Grace, Fun, Adventure, Abundant Profitability and SUCCESS!   I can’t wait to “Get This Party Started”!! Life is a JOYFUL journey. Get Intuit!

Guidance ~ Energetic Hitchhikers


I was listening to the AM Ascension Activation meditation that is part of an online program Jarrad Hewett created. I hadn’t been listening to it for a few days so I wanted to take the time to really work with it. As I was trying to write down a to-do list inspired by the recording, the cursor kept jumping around interfering with my progress. It was becoming increasingly annoying, as all I wanted to do was to finish this list so I could get on with the meditation.

I became Consciously aware of my aggravation as the cursor then jumped up two paragraphs and not only highlighted, but also enlarged, “they are messing with me”!  This was contained in a paragraph I had written the night before about energetic attachments and entity hook ups. I have recently been getting Guidance to do daily clearing work, and this was an entertaining reminder to do that! I immediately went into meditation and lovingly escorted these Beings and outmoded thought forms to the Light. In the meditation I noted that my neck was in acute pain phase of a chronic issue I’d been experiencing. I asked that it be infused with more and more Light to flush out the density & trauma holding it in place. All pain abated.

Over the last couple of months I had become notably aware of how most of the highest level healers and inspirational leaders that I was familiar with had experienced chronic debilitating health issues and healing crises as pivotal points on their journeys. What was the Wisdom behind this? It seemed bigger than just “pain as a catalyst for growth and change for physical evolution”. I began to wonder, what if all of my pains and ailments have actually been energetic hook ups by nonphysical Beings, outmoded patterns, and negative thought forms wanting to go to the Light?  Their connection resulted in exacerbating my symptoms, being a catalyst for my own healing and personal growth. The hallmark of this was, raising my vibration, transforming me into a vibrational Bridge for these beings to get to the Other Side. In their desire to evolve Spiritually, they inspired my Spiritual evolution. Maybe these”entities” are actually evolutionary aspects of Self in parallel realities, co-creating “our” Ascension.

Each time we liberate ourselves from negative thought forms we weaken the hold they have over others. By reclaiming our power from these auto pilot programs we had been operating under, we reduce their ability to influence us, individually and as a whole. I believe this is the mechanism behind, “As we heal Ourselves we heal the World”. “Healing” on all levels is claiming our sovereignty by liberating ourselves from the oppression of limiting thought forms, opening to our unlimitedness and moving forward firmly embracing our magnificence. Each time we do this, refusing to dim our Lights any longer, we light the path to experience Heaven on Earth.

(A special thanks to Jarrad Hewitt for the work he is doing to inspire raising our frequencies in massive proportions! Many Blessings Jarrad!)

Consciousness – Our Soul’s Beckoning


In these changing times we are all experiencing challenge and turbulence in some form in our lives. Our Souls are calling us forward. That which no longer serves us, or is not in our Highest Good, must fall away. If we cling to things, thoughts or old ways we have outgrown, it will be painful to continue engaging with them. Pain is not punishment, it is information and incentive. Guidance unheeded gets louder. Sometimes pain or the threat of death through illness is the only thing that will motivate us to change. The changes we so vehemently resist are the keys to our liberation and fulfillment. Life is supposed to be about joyful empowerment and mastery. Childhood traumas, wounds, scars and heartache do not need to limit us or govern how we navigate our lives today.

Fear, if we allow it, binds us; immobilizes us; paralyzes us. It keeps us trapped, confused and stuck playing small. I believe we can stop the merry-go-round; hit the reset button; deem “GAME OVER!”.  We have the opportunity to experience life in radically different ways (joyful, profitable, peaceful, fulfilling, fun, interesting, stimulating, rewarding, etc.) merely by changing how we perceive it and engage with it.

Commit today to focus only on what you want. Catch yourself in a negative thought and kindly ask, “Do I want to perpetuate this?” ,”Do I want to create more of this?”, “Do I want to draw this to me?” Then choose to see it in a different light or focus on the flip side (what you want instead of what you don’t want), or think about something else altogether (unplug from the undesired).

CELEBRATE! You just caught yourself in old programming; old habitual patterns of thinking, and Consciously chose to engage in your life differently! Mastery is choosing to do this again, and again, and again. What if THIS is how we change the world? One thought at a time! This simple act is your point of power and empowerment.

Our thoughts create our reality. Unplug from thinking about what you don’t want and revel in the fields of fantasizing about what you do want your life to look like. Ignite the passion to manifest YOUR fullest potential as a thriving human being. You don’t have to be the president or save the world. Merely start with what makes YOUR heart sing in this moment. Make more and more choices to engage in these things. Unleash your creativity. Explore how can you enhance whatever you are doing to bring you even greater joy. Try doing things differently.  Step out of the box of your own making. Engage your inner child. See your life with new eyes, eyes of wonder and “What if?”s.

Take baby steps toward your goals. Do just one thing. Then do another, and another. If even that is overwhelming at the moment, just take a long, deep breath. Then another…and another. Breathing slowly and deeply gives your body the message, “I am safe”.  Breathing deeply opens your connection to Spirit (God, your Guidance, Angels, your Soul, the Cosmos). Breathing deeply also burns more calories!, WooHOO! If you absolutely cannot seem to disengage the monkeymind, maybe you have a brain chemistry imbalance. Being raised in a hostile environment or existing under constant duress results in physiological changes. Simple dietary supplements can turn this around. Go to Scroll down to “TAKE DR. AMEN’S FREE BRAIN HEALTH ASSESSMENT NOW” (it is below the ADD test) and click on the box “Take Test”.  The feedback from this test will provide you with a tremendous amount of information about your brain functioning and will also give supplement suggestions. Whatever you do, be loving, gentle and nurturing to yourself as you make different choices in your life. Life is a joyful journey…GET INTUIT!

Healing – A Key


I desire to see an improvement in my dog’s agility, mobility and strength. I explored manifesting this potential by applying “The Relationship Between” meditation (described in Aug 8 post). First I tuned into my dog’s current state. Remarkably the energy around it was neutral. When I tuned into my dog in his optimal state I envisioned what this would look like: alert, engaged, strong, fast, dangerous….. The sound of stereo needle dragged across an album (for younger readers, this is a screeching halt kind of noise). “Dangerous”.  This got my attention. My dog is a 100 pound Chesapeake Bay Retriever, which is a strong and aggressive breed. The majority of my energy as his “owner” has been to keep him and others safe by keeping him “contained”.

In that moment I got the image of me “keeping him safe” by energetically containing him with my will. (If it is hard for him to get up, then I can stop him before he can take after another dog or person and do them any harm. If it is hard for him to get up, he will rest quietly while I take care of what I need to do in my life. If he is less engaged with life, he wont tear toenails or hurt himself). Wow. Stark realization settled over me. In that moment I also realized that is what parents do to their children. In their desire to keep them safe, out of their projected fears, they bind their children in all kinds of ways. The bondage in essence, is like a chick contained in a shell. It must peck its way out to be liberated from being contained. I have been saying for years, “It’s our parents’ job, despite the best of their intentions, to screw us up. It is in the overcoming of these wounds and baggage that we Become who we came here to BE. ” I had just received major insight into the mechanism behind this: wounding through energetic “containment”.

I envisioned expanding the energetic bubble I had created around my dog that had compressed him into his infirm state. As he filled up with Light he was able to energetically fill his rightful space. It was a witnessing like seeing a butterfly emerge from a cocoon. Expansion! To See him in his full Glory was quite a sight to behold. I prayed that I would recognize my auto response to contract energetically around him so I could stop engaging in it. I prayed for the Wisdom to allow his full expression of Life Force flowing through him and Know how to “keep him safe” in a more supportive and expansive manner.

My vision for you is that you are able to recognize the ways you contract energetically to “keep things safe” and that you allow for the Liberation of Expansion. I also hold the vision that you recognize that past baggage and emotional wounding is merely an energetic contraction imposed upon you (by others or even by yourself) to provide you the opportunity for growth by expanding beyond it. Liberation lies in recognizing this (name it) and claiming your rightful space (claim it). The energetic boundary will dissolve as you expand into who you came here to BE.

By the way, Immediately after writing down my experience, my dog greeted me and the day, more robustly than I had seen in years!


Much love to you on your Journey! Get Intuit!