Ascension Activations Are Everywhere!


Ascension activations are everywhere! One thing I have noticed is gravely tonal qualities in the voices of some well known presenters in the Higher Consciousness realms of thought. It is a sound that makes you want to clear your throat. I have noticed this in Lisa Transcendence Brown and Kenji Kumara, amongst others.

Tibetan Monks engage in throat-singing in their chants. This is not just an entertainment feature. This is a vibrational activation of your DNA. Lisa T and Kenji are organically producing this effect as a manifestation of their own Ascension attainment. When I listen to Tibetan Chanting I feel a sense of `anxiety`. I am not being threatened, I am experiencing an energetic quickening. The only one being “threatened” is my Ego, whose sole (soul) purpose is to keep the status quo (The Ego is our Sacred Worthy Opponent in the strategic game of Evolution through transcending the Matrix. ~More on this later.)

I went to Tibet in 1998 and spent 3 weeks on a Power Places Tours Sacred Sites Journey with Gregg Braden . We were granted access to numerous temples, monasteries and nunneries and the former home of the Dalai Llama. Everywhere we went, there were brightly painted images, all drawn using sacred geometry… Although I was not sensitive enough to feel it back then, I Knew these images were encoded with energy and information and that they were somehow activating something within me.

We are all being called to Remember. Assistance and catalysts are everywhere. It is up to you to Consciously open your Heart and your energy field to receive. Each and every one of us is Ascending. Some through struggle, terminal illnesses, drama, accidents, heartbreak, etc.; and others through total accountability, empowerment, going within and outwardly seeking to see evidence of Love, joy, infinite abundance, support and enchantment. The choice is yours. Embrace the bliss of Ascension…get INTUIT!!


Consciousness ~Going Into the Kiva


A couple days ago I was chosen from the caller que to ask my question in an online interview on Darius was interviewing Jarrad Hewett. I had just spent 2 months engaging with Jarrad’s work. I asked if he could tune into my dog, Remington, to bring me clarity about some struggles we were having.

A part of Jarrad’s response that left me stumped was “There are places you’ve committed to wholeness but are really hanging on to a limitation perceived through enlightenment” (an opportunity for “more of me to open up to more of me” that I am not taking). Wow! Given that I am addicted to expanding more, opening up to more, bringing in more, seeking more, trying to understand more, etc., I was completely mystified but on the same hand I knew there was Wisdom afoot.

This morning I had coffee. Shortly thereafter I became very aware of exacerbated inflammation. It was nasty (left side, neck pain/twang & numb hand/arm). This has been going on for some time. I have engaged in numerous tactics to get to resolve it. I began to query using muscle testing for “Yes” or “No” answers. When I do this I open my mind and allow whatever questions present to come forward.

This inflammation is:

  • Coffee related? No
  • Anger related? Yes
  • At self? No
  • At Mother Yes
  • Birth Mother? Yes
  • Adopted Mother? Yes
  • Divine Mother? Yes – Wow, Where did that come from? That’s a new one! What could I possible be angry at the Divine Mother about?
  • Is “Julie” representing The Divine Mother (a friend that owes me money)? No
  • Is it about not being able to step fully into 5d yet? Yes. The “Age of Aquarius” we have entered into is all about the Divine Feminine Principle, as is 5d (5th Dimensional Reality).
  • My inability to step fully into 5d; is that because I keep engaging in the masculine? Yes (do, direct, battle, control, contrive)
  • Because I have felt let down by, abandoned by The Divine Feminine Principle in the past? Yes
  • Part of the reason I became an Amazon Priestess? Yes  (that was a new one too)
  • A form of rejecting the passive nature of The Divine Feminine? Yes
  • I felt I could bring The Divine Feminine into full Power this way? Yes
  • That was a form of committing to wholeness but really hanging on to a limitation perceived through enlightenment”? Yes
  • The limitation was “rejecting the Essence of The Divine Feminine”? Yes
  • I open my Heart to receive the Divine Feminine Principle in it’s most Powerful form now. Yes
  • This is what the “repeatedly scalding my left hand with hot liquids” was all about? Yes
  • This is “the imbalance in the home” to which Jarrad referred, that Remington was mirroring? Yes
  • There is more imbalance? Yes
  • Remington is On-Board now, choosing to step fully into 5d with me? Yes
  • The imbalance is mine? Yes
  • It’s about pushing the river regarding my Consciousness Evolution Yes,
  • More? No
  • Accept that I am exactly where I am supposed to be? Yes
  • Need to be? Yes
  • All will be revealed without effort on my part? Yes
  • The block to receiving my prosperity was my anger at The Divine Feminine? Yes
  • With this clarity the anger and the block are both resolved now? Yes

The actual “event” that resulted in my being angry with “The Divine Mother/The Divine Feminine” was a past life experience. It was a perceived betrayal which resulted in losing trust in The Divine and in myself.  I’ve dragged this pattern into numerous incarnations since. It was manifesting in this lifetime, regarding my Consciousness Evolution, by my constantly “pushing the river”: never enough, always on the quest, always needing to be doing something to gain more mastery, heal my wounds, shed another layer of baggage, acquire more knowledge, somehow “get on top of my own game”, etc. Not trusting resulted in my attempting to claim a sense of control by doing. These times no longer reward “trying to win the rat race”. My personal situation merely illustrates the pattern of the greater Whole.

We get where we want to be by becoming the frequency of that which we desire. That is what “feeling the feelings of what we want to do, be or have” is all about. Allowing ourselves to imagine and “feel what it would be like” and revisiting that frequently, will anchor that frequency into physical reality.This is The True Essence of Bringing Heaven to Earth (which is what 5d is all about). Allowing yourself to feel the feelings of having the things or experiences you desire, brings you into vibrational alignment with having that which you desire. That activates The Law of Attraction. Allowing, Feeling, and Attracting are powerful aspects of The Divine Feminine. It’s no wonder I have spent the first 15 days of 2014 sick and in bed unable to “do” much of anything. My Soul was ensuring that I finally “got”/received, allowing.

Breakthroughs can be gentle and expansive (Divinely Feminine!). I encourage you to play with this method of inquiry to see if it works for you. For a demonstration of how I “muscle tested” the above to go to This is just one way of doing it. For a more in-depth explanation and variations do a search How to Muscle Test Yourself.,,



Ascension – Releasing Our Past


Over the last few years (and more specifically in the last 9 months), a large part of my personal journey has been to release all that no longer serves me. We are all doing this, whether we are aware of it or not. The opportunity to move through this process faster and with more ease and Grace is offered to you. Use the momentum of the energies available by Consciously being aware of the process. Consciously intend to release all that no longer serves you. Then make Conscious choices in alignment with this. For me this has been an intense exploration of beliefs and attitudes and my resulting programmed expectations. This has been a powerful process, bringing to Light much of my auto-pilot programming. Once revealed I can then choose whether these are in alignment with the reality I am Consciously creating today.

I realized this morning that the 15 year anniversary of my mother’s death passed me by without even being a blip on my radar, two days ago. Wow, should I feel bad about this? What does this say about me as a person? Well it certainly says that I have been programmed to believe that it is important to retain painful memories. It also reveals that somehow I was taught that to suffer on behalf of someone else’s suffering equals “love”. Still reflecting upon this I then I remembered a potent message from an amazing intuitive reading I was gifted with by Mona Lisa Snodgrass (

           Know that personal history no longer applies. Personal history is energy that is taking from you  instead of fueling you.Pull it back. Focus forward, always forward, always allowing the desires to be YOURS and only yours.

Clearly I have released an anchor to a memory that only served to breathe life back into a time of tremendous stress, drama and trauma. Revisiting memories triggers the chemical cascade of the actual event, in our brains and bodies.  I don’t need to “honor” my mother by dragging myself back over the broken glass of her dying experience, chemically or emotionally. Instead I honor my mother by choices I make today; by honoring the wisdom and gifts gained through our life experience together; also by honoring  myself and the Sacredness of all lifeforms.

I choose to be the master of my own destiny. I believe we create our own realities. I also believe that even our more traumatic, painful and brutal life experiences are of our own making as well. These are life experiences we chose to have to expand our Consciousness and to Evolve our Souls. Or they may be chosen programs to be activated in order to amplify our Guidance,  to get us back on track with our Higher vision of our intended life experience. Nothing will hone our awareness and motivate us more to make changes than the threat of having something we value, taken from us (including our own lives as in the case of “terminal” illnesses). I believe these traumatic events are intended to trigger our Remembering; to Instigate the claiming our power; to force us to get on our own team; to give us permission to honor ourselves. How bad does it have to get before we claim our own Soul’s worth and move forward from that place?

 I gaze upon my exquisite view to open to how to proceed with this blog. There is such an aesthetic perfection to the Landscape before me. Balance, harmony, color, texture… I realize in this moment this is Consciousness. Every Tree, Sagebrush, Rabbitbush, Rock, Grain of Dirt, Drop of Water flowing in the River or falling from the Sky and species of wildlife, are all emanating Consciousness to me; holding Sacred Space for me to open to it, to perceive it, to allow it in, to be forever changed by it. I “heard” the following message like an instantaneous download of information: “There is Wisdom here. Will you allow yourself to receive it? Will you allow yourself to invite it in?”

At times I have connected to the Trees in this Valley. I once did a series of “Family Portraits”, photos of each Tree on the Island below me. I then I slip back into forgetting that they are Aware Beings. (They don’t judge me for it. They are very patient because they are so grounded!) Recently I set the intention to be opened to connecting with the Spirits of Nature on my land, to Guide me on the best way to restore health to some sick Aspens and to transplant a beloved potted Spruce. Just like I discovered that Birds are sentient Beings and will engage with you if you acknowledge them, these Nature Spirits are enthusiastic in their response. (I was guided to use hydrogen peroxide to treat the sick trees and to break down the clay in the hole I want to transplant my Spruce. So far it is working beautifully!)

While writing this, one of my Hawks soared into view. Yet seconds later with camera in hand,I could not find her. As I scanned the Valley, my Guidance encouraged, “Allow yourself to feel where she is.”  Taking a moment to be in my body and to allow information to come to me, I raised my camera and immediately sighted her. By then she was on a far horizon but overcast Skies and a balmy haze from recent Rains created a mist-ical backdrop. I remembered a time when I was so focused on capturing the Hawk as precisely as I could that I was oblivious to the background.

My photography has evolved with me. I have gone from “image capturer” to “adventurous horizon expander”. How I look at the world has changed over time as well. Changing how I look at the world has affected what I see and how I engage with it. Just like my life, my photography has become much more interesting because of it.

My perception of this Valley changes with the progression of the Sun, influenced by Weather moving through. All are changes in, and shifting combinations of Frequencies. What if I were to invite in the Wisdom of these Frequencies? How would my health, well-being, prosperity, awareness and Consciousness be altered? How would yours?

Take a minute to ponder this possibility in your life. Life is a joyful journey. Get INTUIT!


Prosperity – Intuition Matters


I finally made the time to sit down and connect with my Guidance.  I was asking about bringing money into my physical reality. Here was how they responded:

G:  In order to allow this experience into your reality you need to trust; believe; feel; engage in your life, as a multimillionaire.

Me: Whose bright idea was that?  (I’m a little irreverent… They roll their eyes a lot but I think they kinda get a kick out of it.)

G:  It’s called vibrational alignment. Thoughts, beliefs, expectations, attitudes, feelings, emotions, are all vibrational frequencies.

Me: Have I cleared all worthiness baggage now?

G:  Yes. the only misalignment you are engaging in now is not “walking in the vibration of being it/ having it”. It is a feeling of empowerment. There is a solidness to it; a knowingness and a clarity that is not swayed by others’ (or your own) doubts, projections or ridicule. Just practice it as you go about your day. Posit, ” I am a multimillionaire and nobody else knows it. How would I engage with my life right now?” Then consciously anchor that into your physical reality with each choice you make. If you invested 1/100th of the energy you invest in allowing yourself be be stressed about money, or asking “What if I’m wrong?”, or in being irritated, annoyed, insulted, bothered or in judgement about anything, you would be figuring out how to manage vast wealth instead of how to micromanage your debt. This is not about going out and buying things with money you don’t have.  Instead invest your energy in discerning if you would spend your money/time, etc. in such ways if you had unlimited resources.


I have to say, that was by far and above the best explanation of how to align with the vibration of having abundant financial resources i have ever heard!  I think stepping through yesterdays astrological Lion’s Gate has aligned me with Higher Frequencies. The experience today was slightly different from past experiences with my Guidance. They felt more a part of me/less separate than before.  These are Truly exciting times!

Try engaging with your Guides or Angels. It is easier than ever now. Just sit somewhere comfortable with limited distractions. Take a few deep breaths and focus on your Heart Center to quiet your mind. (Raquel Spencer recently stated in an interview, “Your Heart is the gateway/portal/connection to your Higher Self and to Source Energy”). Set the intention that you are connecting only with your Highest Guides available to you. Have pen and paper or computer handy. Write down a question. Then write down the first thing that comes to mind as the answer. When you get in the rhythm of it, the information will flow more easily. The key is to not second guess whether you are making it up. Just let loose and allow the information to flow. Go back and read it later and you may be as pleasantly surprised as I was to receive such wise counsel! Life is a joyful journey, and it’s YOURS…Get Intuit!