Ascension Activations Are Everywhere!


Ascension activations are everywhere! One thing I have noticed is gravely tonal qualities in the voices of some well known presenters in the Higher Consciousness realms of thought. It is a sound that makes you want to clear your throat. I have noticed this in Lisa Transcendence Brown and Kenji Kumara, amongst others.

Tibetan Monks engage in throat-singing in their chants. This is not just an entertainment feature. This is a vibrational activation of your DNA. Lisa T and Kenji are organically producing this effect as a manifestation of their own Ascension attainment. When I listen to Tibetan Chanting I feel a sense of `anxiety`. I am not being threatened, I am experiencing an energetic quickening. The only one being “threatened” is my Ego, whose sole (soul) purpose is to keep the status quo (The Ego is our Sacred Worthy Opponent in the strategic game of Evolution through transcending the Matrix. ~More on this later.)

I went to Tibet in 1998 and spent 3 weeks on a Power Places Tours Sacred Sites Journey with Gregg Braden . We were granted access to numerous temples, monasteries and nunneries and the former home of the Dalai Llama. Everywhere we went, there were brightly painted images, all drawn using sacred geometry… Although I was not sensitive enough to feel it back then, I Knew these images were encoded with energy and information and that they were somehow activating something within me.

We are all being called to Remember. Assistance and catalysts are everywhere. It is up to you to Consciously open your Heart and your energy field to receive. Each and every one of us is Ascending. Some through struggle, terminal illnesses, drama, accidents, heartbreak, etc.; and others through total accountability, empowerment, going within and outwardly seeking to see evidence of Love, joy, infinite abundance, support and enchantment. The choice is yours. Embrace the bliss of Ascension…get INTUIT!!


Show me the MONEY!! $$$$$$

Money Cake

WOW! I cannot believe it has been nearly a year since my last post. I guess time flies when you are not having fun too! I will share my 2014 pearls of wisdom in following posts.

Today I want to start 2015 by CELEBRATING SUCCESS!!!!!

I chose to participate in The “$3,000.00 Experiment” the moment I heard about it. January 1st was to be the launch date but January 4th was upon me and I still had not chosen, nor set up my “transformational space” (one of the steps). I have a lifelong pattern of putting off what is most important to me until last. I decided today was the day to be done with that ridiculousness!

I’ve been a serious clutter girl. So I opted to make a radical shift and create a relatively austere “transformational space”. I had in mind a pedestal I wanted to use. Currently a spider plant was on it. My spider plants are the most forgiving Beings in my life. Despite heartbreaking neglect, they kick out hundreds of babies. Inspired by The $3,000.00 Experiment, I suddenly saw these plants through new eyes. In Native American tradition ‘Spider” is known as Iktomi, the Grandmother of Creation; the Great Creatrix- Weaving the web of life.

My spider plants were glutted with babies and dead leaves. I realized this was evidence of my”untapped potential dying on the vine”. I am an idea girl and I let these amazing jewels go by the wayside as I get caught up dealing with daily busywork. My spider plant visual hit home with a bang. So my $3,000,000.00 Experiment (we get to add or subtract zero’s according to our comfort level), shot me out of the starting gate with HARVEST!! This was exciting to me as I have been working with quantum physics and the law of attraction diligently for the last two years to manifest the flow of money INTO my life. I am excited to say, “The time of Harvest is NOW!”

I harvested 98% of the babies off 2 plants. It made a tremendous mess which when I began cleaning up, inspired me to clean more. Each time I experienced overwhelm I faced it down as a meaningless saboteur of my mind, created to keep me safe by keeping things the same. Well things are not going to be the same anymore! I then discovered more spider plant babies hiding behind one of the pots – undiscovered potential! I got excited about this and harvested them immediately.

As I moved a chair I felt the Feng Shui shift in the space, allowing flow; like dirty water flowing clear. Aaahhhh. It was like taking in a breath of fresh air! Moving into the flow!

I found stashes of empty sunflower seed shells under an unused bed, evidence of rodents – pests, tormenting me by desecrating sacred space – also symbolic of untapped potential (seeds) tormenting my mind, gnawing away at potential and devouring my life force until all that would be left would be empty shells of the possibilities being presented. As I vacuumed this up I affirmed the end of that life experience, clearing all traces of stagnant, avoidant, tormented days gone by.

I long ago discovered vacuuming creates a vacuum in my mind, and my brain uses this opportunity to try to solve all of the problems of the world. When in the “right space”, amazing Guidance comes through. This time I had a major epiphany for a dear friend that would help her make a shift she was desiring. I pushed aside thoughts of her not wanting to hear it and picked up the phone immediately (no more untapped potential here!). She received it like a neon billboard lighting up! It was an exciting, joyful and liberating ten minute call. I saw this as evidence that even a mundane act such as cleaning your house can change the world!!

I worked nonstop late into the night, cleaning and setting up the corner in my bedroom that I was establishing as my transformational space.


I slept deeply and restfully. The next morning I was being graced with a photo op of magpies and crows surrounding an eagle feeding on a trout in a tree.  My phone rang.

It was a local business that called to place an order for $1,080.00 worth of my notecards and coasters!!


Life is a journey…get INTUIT!!

Consciousness ~Going Into the Kiva


A couple days ago I was chosen from the caller que to ask my question in an online interview on Darius was interviewing Jarrad Hewett. I had just spent 2 months engaging with Jarrad’s work. I asked if he could tune into my dog, Remington, to bring me clarity about some struggles we were having.

A part of Jarrad’s response that left me stumped was “There are places you’ve committed to wholeness but are really hanging on to a limitation perceived through enlightenment” (an opportunity for “more of me to open up to more of me” that I am not taking). Wow! Given that I am addicted to expanding more, opening up to more, bringing in more, seeking more, trying to understand more, etc., I was completely mystified but on the same hand I knew there was Wisdom afoot.

This morning I had coffee. Shortly thereafter I became very aware of exacerbated inflammation. It was nasty (left side, neck pain/twang & numb hand/arm). This has been going on for some time. I have engaged in numerous tactics to get to resolve it. I began to query using muscle testing for “Yes” or “No” answers. When I do this I open my mind and allow whatever questions present to come forward.

This inflammation is:

  • Coffee related? No
  • Anger related? Yes
  • At self? No
  • At Mother Yes
  • Birth Mother? Yes
  • Adopted Mother? Yes
  • Divine Mother? Yes – Wow, Where did that come from? That’s a new one! What could I possible be angry at the Divine Mother about?
  • Is “Julie” representing The Divine Mother (a friend that owes me money)? No
  • Is it about not being able to step fully into 5d yet? Yes. The “Age of Aquarius” we have entered into is all about the Divine Feminine Principle, as is 5d (5th Dimensional Reality).
  • My inability to step fully into 5d; is that because I keep engaging in the masculine? Yes (do, direct, battle, control, contrive)
  • Because I have felt let down by, abandoned by The Divine Feminine Principle in the past? Yes
  • Part of the reason I became an Amazon Priestess? Yes  (that was a new one too)
  • A form of rejecting the passive nature of The Divine Feminine? Yes
  • I felt I could bring The Divine Feminine into full Power this way? Yes
  • That was a form of committing to wholeness but really hanging on to a limitation perceived through enlightenment”? Yes
  • The limitation was “rejecting the Essence of The Divine Feminine”? Yes
  • I open my Heart to receive the Divine Feminine Principle in it’s most Powerful form now. Yes
  • This is what the “repeatedly scalding my left hand with hot liquids” was all about? Yes
  • This is “the imbalance in the home” to which Jarrad referred, that Remington was mirroring? Yes
  • There is more imbalance? Yes
  • Remington is On-Board now, choosing to step fully into 5d with me? Yes
  • The imbalance is mine? Yes
  • It’s about pushing the river regarding my Consciousness Evolution Yes,
  • More? No
  • Accept that I am exactly where I am supposed to be? Yes
  • Need to be? Yes
  • All will be revealed without effort on my part? Yes
  • The block to receiving my prosperity was my anger at The Divine Feminine? Yes
  • With this clarity the anger and the block are both resolved now? Yes

The actual “event” that resulted in my being angry with “The Divine Mother/The Divine Feminine” was a past life experience. It was a perceived betrayal which resulted in losing trust in The Divine and in myself.  I’ve dragged this pattern into numerous incarnations since. It was manifesting in this lifetime, regarding my Consciousness Evolution, by my constantly “pushing the river”: never enough, always on the quest, always needing to be doing something to gain more mastery, heal my wounds, shed another layer of baggage, acquire more knowledge, somehow “get on top of my own game”, etc. Not trusting resulted in my attempting to claim a sense of control by doing. These times no longer reward “trying to win the rat race”. My personal situation merely illustrates the pattern of the greater Whole.

We get where we want to be by becoming the frequency of that which we desire. That is what “feeling the feelings of what we want to do, be or have” is all about. Allowing ourselves to imagine and “feel what it would be like” and revisiting that frequently, will anchor that frequency into physical reality.This is The True Essence of Bringing Heaven to Earth (which is what 5d is all about). Allowing yourself to feel the feelings of having the things or experiences you desire, brings you into vibrational alignment with having that which you desire. That activates The Law of Attraction. Allowing, Feeling, and Attracting are powerful aspects of The Divine Feminine. It’s no wonder I have spent the first 15 days of 2014 sick and in bed unable to “do” much of anything. My Soul was ensuring that I finally “got”/received, allowing.

Breakthroughs can be gentle and expansive (Divinely Feminine!). I encourage you to play with this method of inquiry to see if it works for you. For a demonstration of how I “muscle tested” the above to go to This is just one way of doing it. For a more in-depth explanation and variations do a search How to Muscle Test Yourself.,,



Ascension ~ What’s it all about?

DSC_9765Since we didn’t die on 12/21/12; and we haven’t Left anyone Behind by Ascending from the Earth plane without them, just what IS Ascension? Wanting to define it accurately I was ecstatic to find  this website: I have to say, they say it all (saving me a lot of brain cells trying to figure out how to explain it)!

Solar Flares are catalysts for our Ascension, and the Earth’s too, for Gaia is also Ascending. (Because of this it is a wise practice to ask to be calibrated vibrationally in alignment with the Earth’s resonance, on a regular basis. For it will make for a much more comfortable ride upon her surface while we navigate these turbulent times.)  Heather Carlini wrote an amazing E-book called “How Solar Flares Help You to Evolve”. She has done an outstanding job explaining how they are affecting us, and why it’s a “good thing”. You can read more about this and purchase the E-book at

I know when we have had intense solar flares a day or so after the event because I experience “hot flashes”. I am calling them “personal solar flares”. At their onset (a sudden feeling of general malaise), If I state, “I allow this energy to pass through me.” then the flash either doesn’t occur or is much milder and subsides almost instantly. If I don’t choose to enter into this state of “allowing”, I experience a prickly feeling at my hairline, a heat flashover and full body sweats.) I have muscle tested whether these are hormonal or energetic and every time I have gotten, “energetic”.

I learned this “trick” on a road trip to Sedona for a Solstice Festival. I was in bliss, enjoying the desert skies, wanting to watch the moon and stars as I drove. People were climbing down my back,  beaming their headlights into my rearview mirror and eyes, tailgating me for miles with no oncoming traffic (and I am by no means a slow driver). After about the fourth or fifth one I asked for Guidance.  The gentle message was, “Allow the energy to pass through you.” I did, and they promptly passed me. WOW!

Since, I have found countless ways to apply this Wisdom. Resistance is Futile. Creating a state of allowing is key to our well-being as we, our planet and our solar system go through rapid and radical transformations.  We are being bombarded with neutrinos, photons and changing magnetic fields. Our “junk” DNA is being activated. Latent abilities are emerging.  Have you noticed your Intuition being more engaged? I am hearing a broader range of tonal frequencies, resulting in noise sounding more musical. I am perceiving things more expansively, picking up on patterns to which I’ve been oblivious for over a decade. These are exciting times!

What I’ve written so far is just dipping my toe into the pool of this discussion. I will be continuing this topic in bite-sized pieces. Look forward to hearing about how we can actually program this energy to manifest whatever our heart desires! Until then, Invite in the Light!

Life is a joyful journey…Get Intuit!

Writing as an Intuitive Process


I would describe my writing process as Sacred Alchemy. I would say creativity, in general, is Sacred Alchemy. In fact, so is receiving Guidance (from God, the Angels, our High Self, our Guides, Spirit Helpers, etc). It is allowing what you already have (i.e., life experience, or tangible materials) to be forever changed/transformed by something new you bring to it (perception, concept, combination, revelation, Guidance, etc.)

I start with an inspiration. Something that is currently pertinent to me: a revelation, (an “AHA! moment”), a new ceremony or meditation I created, a tool that was effective, an experience or observation I had, or a concept I think would help others. Then I begin writing, trying to convey these ideas or experiences clearly in the written word. As I write, information unfolds. filling out these concepts, breathing more life into them. Often surprising tangents present themselves. I pay attention to images, memories, like-threads that might reveal even greater insights when viewed together.

I get a lot of my information through visual impressions. They can be fleeting images, or mini daydream movies that play out. I also note memories that surface or passing thoughts that present themselves.(Which has also worked to spare me a few speeding tickets!) The key to tapping into your Intuition for any purpose is being receptive to information coming to you and being aware enough to recognize this information when it presents itself.  Pay attention to things you might not ordinarily view as guidance.

As an example, I just added a thought to a piece I was writing on another topic.  When I finished my notation I started to feel crummy all over but mostly neck and shoulders. It was uncomfortable enough and it occurred so suddenly that it got my attention. I thought to ask, “Is this Guidance that I am going down the wrong trail?” (No). “Is this Spirit trying to come through me?”( Yes) Then I asked, “Do you think it would be possible to make it feel AMAZING instead of awful when this happens?” I then got a hot flash! 🙂  As I reread this I realized that “hot flash” is connected to my mantra for 2013, “I allow this energy to move through me.” So what I originally just took as a (Yes), explored for it’s subtlety revealed that choosing to allow the energy of Spirit’s presence to move through me will make the experience much more comfortable.

I believe we all channel.  i think Beings from non-physical come through to nudge and inspire us all of the time in our lives. If you become conscious of this, you can engage with them and ask for assistance. Many times I have written something where I felt like I was transcribing dictation. At a later date when I read what I’ve written I am shocked by how powerful the information was that came through. Often it is “new” to me as I read it.

When I feel blocked or unclear of how to proceed I often gaze out my window. I allow my mind to be a blank slate and just wait for something to occur to me or get my attention. Symbolism, metaphors, archetypes, synchronicities, hunches, anything that pulls or draws you to it, are all the language of Intuition. Allowing patterns and associations to emerge is the Alchemy. I was trying to think of how to describe the feeling of allowing. It’s like when you slip into a warm bath to ease body aches or to enjoy a brief respite. Everything else just melts away. Resistance is forgotten as you surrender to the soothing waters. It’s like taking a peaceful sigh then waiting to see where it takes you.

If you have any questions or comments about Intuition or how to use it in your life, I’d love to hear from you. It really is the way of the future, so we might as well have some fun comparing notes and mastering it together.  Life is a joyful journey. Get Intuit!