Morphic Fields

All thoughts ever thought and all words ever spoken still exist. All potential already exists as well. We are able to tap into this information which is called the collective consciousness. Until we become aware of this and begin making Conscious choices, the collective consciousness runs us and dictates our life experiences. Its as though we have computer programs running in the background, influencing our perceptions, beliefs, thoughts and choices.

There is also a phenomenon that results as a function of The Law of Attraction. Have you ever been in fear about something and experienced your thoughts and feelings amplify radically out of proportion to situation? As like-attracts-like, similar thoughts and feelings group together and amplify in power. These are called morphic fields. A morphic field is, in essence, collective consciousness grouped by subject.

So as an example, let`s say you are afraid of not having enough money to pay your bills. Like a runaway freight train you find yourself triggered with anxiety, verging abject terror as images of bankruptcy, losing your home, being homeless, etc play out in your mind`s eye. You have tapped into the morphic field of `fear of not having enough money`. Your fears are being amplified by everyone else`s fears relative to this topic.

Ascension is about taking charge of your own mind, getting savvy about your own energy and how to manage it , and then using this information to create the life you choose to experience. A simple but powerful tool to take charge of your life is to recognize these fears may not even be yours. Then consciously choose to disconnect from the morphic field of that fear.

You can do this using simple decording techniques. If you want to contribute to liberating the planet of this form of `mind control`, you can take it to the next level of empowerment and proactivity.

Contribute to dissolving these misery binding morphic fields by Consciously filling them with Light. Do this in ways that are fun and playful. As soon as you discover you are connected to a morphic field you do not want to be influenced by (remember there are positive morphic fields too), Get grounded and connect to Source. Combine the energies of Source and the Heart of Mother Earth at your own Heart Center. From this place send the brightest, Highest frequencies of Light into the morphic field using the same cord/connection that is hooking you energetically. Flow this Light until all connections cease to exist. See the morphic seal with all of that Light inside of it. This action will put in motion the dissolution of the power and infuence these fields affect.

If you are not feeling your connection to Source or Mother Earth because you are so shrouded by morphic field influece, a fun way to break out of this is to send Light Bombs into the morphic fields that are keeping you bound!

The more playful we can be about claiming our empowerment, the more effective it will be. Battle begets more battle. Affecting joyful outcomes begets more joyful outcomes!

Life really is supposed to be a JOYFUL Journey. Play in the morphic fields of POSSIBILITY and Get INTUIT!

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact me at

Feel free to share your own experiences in a comment!


Worry is a prayer to The Universe, “Make it so! ”

IMG_2452-004Everything is energy and energy follows thought. So worry is, in essence, a prayer to make it so. With the thinning of the veils and time speeding up, our thoughts are actualizing in our physical reality faster than ever before. There is less buffer time for more-desirable-outcome-thoughts to override undesirable ones. These times demand that we become conscious about our words, thoughts and deeds, as we are beginning to experience immediate karma (what you sow you shall reap~NOW).

Make this a joyful journey! If you look in the mirror and see “ravages of time ”, consciously think or say aloud, “ Thank you for restoring my youthful beauty!”.  Make a game of catching yourself if you slip into creating unconsciously and reframe it into your desired outcome instead. Do not beat yourself. We are Spiritual Beings having a Human experience. We chose to incarnate in the hologram of the Earth to provide us with infinite opportunities for mastery. As humans, we are programmed to believe we are limited. Ascension is about embracing our unlimitedness while in human form. Bringing Heaven to Earth, is bringing your Divinity into your Humanity. Recognize and embrace the power of your Conscious choice. The point of power is in the present moment. Seize the day and get INTUIT! _DSC0140-001

Consciousness ~Going Into the Kiva


A couple days ago I was chosen from the caller que to ask my question in an online interview on Darius was interviewing Jarrad Hewett. I had just spent 2 months engaging with Jarrad’s work. I asked if he could tune into my dog, Remington, to bring me clarity about some struggles we were having.

A part of Jarrad’s response that left me stumped was “There are places you’ve committed to wholeness but are really hanging on to a limitation perceived through enlightenment” (an opportunity for “more of me to open up to more of me” that I am not taking). Wow! Given that I am addicted to expanding more, opening up to more, bringing in more, seeking more, trying to understand more, etc., I was completely mystified but on the same hand I knew there was Wisdom afoot.

This morning I had coffee. Shortly thereafter I became very aware of exacerbated inflammation. It was nasty (left side, neck pain/twang & numb hand/arm). This has been going on for some time. I have engaged in numerous tactics to get to resolve it. I began to query using muscle testing for “Yes” or “No” answers. When I do this I open my mind and allow whatever questions present to come forward.

This inflammation is:

  • Coffee related? No
  • Anger related? Yes
  • At self? No
  • At Mother Yes
  • Birth Mother? Yes
  • Adopted Mother? Yes
  • Divine Mother? Yes – Wow, Where did that come from? That’s a new one! What could I possible be angry at the Divine Mother about?
  • Is “Julie” representing The Divine Mother (a friend that owes me money)? No
  • Is it about not being able to step fully into 5d yet? Yes. The “Age of Aquarius” we have entered into is all about the Divine Feminine Principle, as is 5d (5th Dimensional Reality).
  • My inability to step fully into 5d; is that because I keep engaging in the masculine? Yes (do, direct, battle, control, contrive)
  • Because I have felt let down by, abandoned by The Divine Feminine Principle in the past? Yes
  • Part of the reason I became an Amazon Priestess? Yes  (that was a new one too)
  • A form of rejecting the passive nature of The Divine Feminine? Yes
  • I felt I could bring The Divine Feminine into full Power this way? Yes
  • That was a form of committing to wholeness but really hanging on to a limitation perceived through enlightenment”? Yes
  • The limitation was “rejecting the Essence of The Divine Feminine”? Yes
  • I open my Heart to receive the Divine Feminine Principle in it’s most Powerful form now. Yes
  • This is what the “repeatedly scalding my left hand with hot liquids” was all about? Yes
  • This is “the imbalance in the home” to which Jarrad referred, that Remington was mirroring? Yes
  • There is more imbalance? Yes
  • Remington is On-Board now, choosing to step fully into 5d with me? Yes
  • The imbalance is mine? Yes
  • It’s about pushing the river regarding my Consciousness Evolution Yes,
  • More? No
  • Accept that I am exactly where I am supposed to be? Yes
  • Need to be? Yes
  • All will be revealed without effort on my part? Yes
  • The block to receiving my prosperity was my anger at The Divine Feminine? Yes
  • With this clarity the anger and the block are both resolved now? Yes

The actual “event” that resulted in my being angry with “The Divine Mother/The Divine Feminine” was a past life experience. It was a perceived betrayal which resulted in losing trust in The Divine and in myself.  I’ve dragged this pattern into numerous incarnations since. It was manifesting in this lifetime, regarding my Consciousness Evolution, by my constantly “pushing the river”: never enough, always on the quest, always needing to be doing something to gain more mastery, heal my wounds, shed another layer of baggage, acquire more knowledge, somehow “get on top of my own game”, etc. Not trusting resulted in my attempting to claim a sense of control by doing. These times no longer reward “trying to win the rat race”. My personal situation merely illustrates the pattern of the greater Whole.

We get where we want to be by becoming the frequency of that which we desire. That is what “feeling the feelings of what we want to do, be or have” is all about. Allowing ourselves to imagine and “feel what it would be like” and revisiting that frequently, will anchor that frequency into physical reality.This is The True Essence of Bringing Heaven to Earth (which is what 5d is all about). Allowing yourself to feel the feelings of having the things or experiences you desire, brings you into vibrational alignment with having that which you desire. That activates The Law of Attraction. Allowing, Feeling, and Attracting are powerful aspects of The Divine Feminine. It’s no wonder I have spent the first 15 days of 2014 sick and in bed unable to “do” much of anything. My Soul was ensuring that I finally “got”/received, allowing.

Breakthroughs can be gentle and expansive (Divinely Feminine!). I encourage you to play with this method of inquiry to see if it works for you. For a demonstration of how I “muscle tested” the above to go to This is just one way of doing it. For a more in-depth explanation and variations do a search How to Muscle Test Yourself.,,

