Instead of Fight or Flight, Claim Your Ground


These times are extraordinarily intense; mentally, emotionally physically and spiritually. Instead of exiting-stage-left, panicking, freaking out or battling, get Grounded.

Getting Grounded means being fully present in your body and bringing your awareness to your connection to the Earth. When you are Grounded, all of your energetic, electric and physical circuitry is connected and functioning. That means you have more energetic resources; your body is being given the opportunity to function opportunely, so you will feel better, have more energy and feel Alive. Clear information comes into your consciousness from your environment, from Source, your High Self, your Angels, Guides, Guardians, Soul Groups and your Highest Galactic Council of Light. This enables you to observe your experiences from a Higher Perspective. Information for resolving issues is available to you. From this vantage point, you will be able to disengage from emotional reactivity. You will recognize when you are being triggered and you will then be able to choose how to respond. From this stable place you can experience what flow is. Life is bringing you everything you need to thrive. When you are Grounded you become aware of this in your experiences. Imagine finally being able to Breathe and Relax. Talk about being plugged in!

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~Life is meant to be a joyful journey…Get Intuit!